The galleries below is listed in a strictly alphabetical order after Latin names. No consideration is taken to relationship, growing continent, or whatever else orchids usually are classified by.
All photos are taken by me and most of the orchid are also grown by me.
For personal use it is Ok to use pictures you find below but for business purposes please contact me using the "contact form".
Searching the list below, be aware of the changing of name of some familiar orchids.
Some bifoliat Cattleyas are changed to Guarianthe (C. aurantiaca, bowringiana, skinneri)
Oncidium varicosum is renamed to Gomesa varicosa
Some Encyclias are now called Prosthechea (E. citrina, mariae, vitellina)
Total number of pictures: 349
Areangis luteo-alba var rhodosticta
Aerangis punctata
Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter
Brassavola nodosa
Brassanthe (Brassavola x Guarianthe)
Bulbophyllum carunculatum.
Calanthe vestita subsp harisii
Calanthe rosea
Catasetum expansum
Cattleya x dolosa (C. loddigesii x walkeriana)
Cattleya forbesii
Cattleya Kupferprinz
Cattleya labiata
Cattleya Maijorie Houseman York
Cattleya porphyroglossa
Cattleya skinneri x sincorana
Cattleya trianae
Cattleya intermedia, hybrid
Cattleya, hybrid unnamed
Cattleya, hybrid 'Bogren'
Chirropetalum sp.
Cochleanthes discolor x amazonica
Coelogyne barbata
Coelogyne cristata
Coelogyne lentiginosa x affine
Cycnodes Wine Delight
Cymbidium hybrid
Cymbidium lowianum
Cymbidium tracyanum
Cysis bractescens
Dendrobium chrysotoxum
Dendrobium jenkensii
Dendrobium kingianum
Dendrobium nobile hybrid
Dendrobium phalaenopsis hybrid
Dendrobium Stardust
Dendrobium sulawesiense
Dendrobium tyrsiflorum
Dendrobium x delicatum
Disa uniflora
Eulophia hybrid
Gomesa varicosa
Guarechea Miva Etoile Noir
Guarianthe aurantiaca
Guarianthe bowringiana
Guarianthe skinneri
Kingidium decumbens
Laelia anceps
Laelia autumnalis
Laelia dayana
Laelia gouldiana
Laelia sincorana
Laeliocattleya Aida
Laeliocattleya Tropical Pointer 'Cheetha'
Laeliocattleya White Cinderela
Leptotes bicolor
Ludisia discolor