The galleries below is listed in a strictly alphabetical order after Latin names. No consideration is taken to relationship, growing continent, or whatever else orchids usually are classified by.
All photos are taken by me and most of the orchid are also grown by me.
For personal use it is Ok to use pictures you find below but for business purposes please contact me using the "contact form".
Searching the list below, be aware of the changing of name of some familiar orchids.
Some bifoliat Cattleyas are changed to Guarianthe (C. aurantiaca, bowringiana, skinneri)
Oncidium varicosum is renamed to Gomesa varicosa
Some Encyclias are now called Prosthechea (E. citrina, mariae, vitellina)
Total number of pictures: 339
Masdevallia civilis
Masdevallia hybrider
Maxillaria picta
Oerstedella centradenia
Paphiopedilum callosum
Paphiopedilum farrieanum
Paphiopedilum Gold Dollar
Paphiopedilum gratrixianum
Paphiopedilum insigne
Papiopedilum insigne var. sanderae
grown by Marita Åkesson
Paphiopedilum henryanum
grown by Marita Åkesson
Paphiopedilum micranthum
Paphiopedilum Pinoccio
Paphiopedilum Queen of Denmark
Paphiopedilum rothschildianum
grown by Marita Åkesson
Paphiopedilum sukhakulii
Paphiopedilum hybrid
Phalaenopsis bellina x violacea
Phalaenopsis cochlearis
Phalaenopsis equestris
Phalaenopsis hybrids unnamed
Phalaenopsis Liodoro
Phalaenopsis Miva Club Staccato
Phalaenopsis schilleriana
Phalaenopsis schilleriana x mariae
Phalaenopsis Sveet Revange
Phalaenopsis violacea
Phragmipedium besseae
Phragmipedium Cardinale
Phragmipedium wallisii x longifolium
Pleione albiflora
Pleione bulbocioides
Pleione formosana
Pleione forrestii
Pleione grandiflora
Pleione praecox
Pleione saxicola
Pleione speciosa
Prosthechea brassavolae
Prosthechea citrina
Prosthechea mariae
Prosthechea vitellina
Psycopsis papilio
Psycopsis pumilio